book cover of The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico
The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico Recommended the Snow Goose Festival.
Michael Morpurgo's choice is The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico.
The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico Recommended
The Snow Goose, by Paul Gallico, is a beautifully written classic novella.

The Snow Goose was originally published as a short story in the Saturday
The Snow Goose - Paul Gallico
Warning: Keep some tissues nearby when reading The Snow Goose.
Sutton Bridge was the inspiration behind Paul Gallico's 'The Snow Goose'
book cover of Snow Goose and Other Legends by Paul Gallico
Warning: Keep some tissues nearby when reading The Snow Goose.
Neglected Classic: The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico
Based on a novel "Snow Goose" by Paul Gallico. The etching is available in
The Snow Goose. Watercolour and coloured pencils. 170 x 100mm. Illustrated
Michael Caine; The Snow Goose, based on Paul Gallico's mythic tale,
The Snow Goose. Watercolour and coloured pencils. 90 x 140mm. Illustrated
The album, based on Paul Gallico's classic short parable,
The Snow Goose, by Paul Gallico The
The Snow Goose, by Paul Gallico, is a beautifully written classic novella.
The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico A Story of Dunkirk Michael Joseph. 10th.impr. Jan., 1952. Hardcover. Dust Jacket torn. General tanning. The contents shine