Kelly Brook pictures by don walters

Kelly Brook Knows How To Model Shoes

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I’m not an expert when it comes to advertising or marketing, If I was my site would be a hell of a lot more popular, but I’m not sure how these pictures of
“>Kelly Brook
are supposed to help sell women’s shoes. Don’t get me wrong they’re really hot, If I didn’t think I’d roll an ankle I’d consider buying a pair, but I’m not sure women will feel the same way. Not that I give a crap, this chick is hot, so oil her up and put her in some lingerie and I’m buying whatever the hell she’s selling.

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“>Kelly Brook are supposed to help sell women’s shoes. Don’t get me wrong they’re really hot, If I didn’t think I’d roll an ankle I’d consider buying a pair, but I’m not sure women will feel the same way. Not that I give a crap, this chick is hot, so oil her up and put her in some lingerie and I’m buying whatever the hell she’s selling.

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“>Kelly Brook are supposed to help sell women’s shoes. Don’t get me wrong they’re really hot, If I didn’t think I’d roll an ankle I’d consider buying a pair, but I’m not sure women will feel the same way. Not that I give a crap, this chick is hot, so oil her up and put her in some lingerie and I’m buying whatever the hell she’s selling.

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“>Kelly Brook are supposed to help sell women’s shoes. Don’t get me wrong they’re really hot, If I didn’t think I’d roll an ankle I’d consider buying a pair, but I’m not sure women will feel the same way. Not that I give a crap, this chick is hot, so oil her up and put her in some lingerie and I’m buying whatever the hell she’s selling.

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